

Pump Technology

1. I want to pump a corrosive/aggressive liquid. Does SCHMITT have the right pump for this?

SCHMITT has a suitable pump for most pumping tasks up to 35 m³/h in its program. Best of all, you simply send us a pump inquiry. We will contact you reliably!

2. Are SCHMITT plastic pumps also available in different materials?

Yes, most SCHMITT plastic pumps are available in both polypropylene (PP) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) versions. We also offer series made of stainless steel 1.4571.

3. Which pump material suits my application?

Um das herauszufinden, können Sie ganz einfach einen Blick in unsere chemische Beständigkeitsliste werfen. Und wenn Sie Fragen haben, nehmen Sie gerne Kontakt mit uns auf! Oder Sie senden eine Pumpenanfrage.


To find out, you can simply take a look at our chemical resistance list. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact us! Or send us a pump inquiry.

4. I want to pump an environmentally / hazardous fluid. For this reason I must prevent leakages - even of small quantities - in any case. Are hermetically sealed SCHMITT pumps available for this purpose?

Yes, some SCHMITT series are hermetically sealed and therefore particularly suitable for pumping hazardous liquids. These are the series MPN, SMP, P.

5. Must a centrifugal pump be vent before operation?

Yes, before it can be put into operation, the pump must be completely filled and vented.

6. What is the difference between "normal priming" and "self-priming"?

Normal priming centrifugal pumps are not able to vent a suction pipe that leads to a liquid level geodetically below the pump.
Self-priming pumps, on the other hand, can do this without additional external auxiliary devices such as foot valves. This is ideal if a medium is to be sucked in, for example, from lower-lying tanks.

7. May a SCHMITT centrifugal pump run dry?

Einige Pumpenbaureihen von SCHMITT dürfen unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen trockenlaufen. Dazu zählen etwa die vertikalen Tauchpumpen der Baureihe T sowie bestimmte Ausführungen der Baureihe MPN. Bei Fragen nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf. Oder Sie senden uns eine unverbindliche Pumpenanfrage.


Some pump series from SCHMITT may run dry under certain conditions. These include the vertical submersible pumps of the T series as well as certain versions of the MPN series. Please contact us if you have any questions. Or send us a non-binding pump inquiry.

8. May I also install a horizontal centrifugal pump vertically?

In principle, vertical installation of pumps is possible. However, it must be ensured that the pump is always completely filled and vented. SCHMITT also offers special vertical submersible pumps.

9. I need a 3D model of the pump for my plant design. Where can I get this?

Wir stellen ihnen gerne 3-D-Modelle all unserer Pumpen in den üblichen Formaten wie etwa stp. zur Verfügung. Schreiben Sie uns hierzu bitte eine kurze E-Mail an oder rufen Sie uns an: 07243/5453-0


We are happy to provide you with 3D models of all our pumps in the usual formats such as stp. Please send us a short e-mail to or call us at +49 7243/5453-0

10. Does Schmitt also offer pumps for ATEX?

Yes, ATEX approvals are available for zones 1 and 2 depending on the pump type and in different temperature classes such as T3 or T4. If you have any questions, please contact us or send us a pump inquiry.


11. Where can I buy Schmitt pumps?

In Deutschland bekommen Sie SCHMITT Pumpen direkt über uns als Hersteller. Außerhalb Deutschlands haben wir qualifizierte Handelspartner in vielen Ländern. Diese helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.


In Germany you can get SCHMITT pumps directly from us as the manufacturer. Outside Germany we have qualified trade partners in many countries. They will be glad to help you.

12. How long is the delivery time?

We usually manufacture and deliver our standard pumps within one week.

13. Are SCHMITT centrifugal pumps subject to export restrictions?

Yes, some series are subject to export restrictions. You will find an overview in our leaflet on the EC Dual-Use Regulation.

14. My pump does not work as desired. What support do I get from SCHMITT?

In unseren Betriebsanleitungen finden Sie zu jeder Baureihe eine Übersicht mit Punkten zur schnellen und verlässlichen Beseitigung von Störungen. Wir stehen Ihnen aber auch persönlich mit Rat und Tat zur Seite: Kontakt


In our operating manuals you will find an overview of each series with points for quick and reliable troubleshooting. We are also available to you personally with advice and support: Contact

15. Does SCHMITT also have pumps for private applications, e.g. for garden ponds, cellar drainage, etc.

Of course SCHMITT pumps could also be used in some private applications. But the actual field of application of our high-quality pumps is the delivery of aggressive liquids in industrial and commercial use.

16. I would like to send a pump in for repair. What do I have to consider?

Please empty the pump completely before shipping and flush the pump. Please also specify the pumped liquid so that we can take the necessary safety measures if necessary. This information must be stated on the declaration of decontamination. You are welcome to send it to us in advance at or simply enclose it in the package.

SCHMITT customer highlight
SCHMITT as a sparring partner

We love having answers for you

Basically, you could say that pumps are quite simple. But when it comes to operational safety, reliability and the like, every detail is important. This is exactly why you are in the right place with us. Because we offer you the right contact for every question. From the first idea to planning and implementation. Of course, we are also there for our specialist dealers at any time - just like for their customers.

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